Friday, April 8, 2011

Hello world! It's the 60's! No, not the 1860's, or the 1960's. No, not 60's music either. I, Tom Hines, am in my 60's! Who cares?--you might ask. Well, more than anybody, I suspect I do! (You know what I mean.) My good friend Marcy inspired me to start a blog and tell some stories from my 60 years on the planet. Isn't it funny how old(er) people think everybody is interested in what they did 40 years ago. Well, I share these stories....ehem, so I don't forget them! If you can enjoy a few of them I will be pleased. No required reading here folks--it's ALL FYI!

In MY 60'S>>>>>>>>>>>>>>In THE 60'S

1 comment:

  1. Believe it or not, there are those who want to hear our stories, especially our kids. I think I blog for them more than anyone. It's also a reminder to me that God has been actively involved in my life. Somehow, when I see it written down, it reinforces that. SO GLAD you're writing!
